Production Manager

Dr. Omar A. Abdulrazzaq Renewable Energy and Environment Research Center/ Corporation of Research and Industrial Development/ Ministry of Industry and Minerals – Iraq

PhD in Applied Physics/ Emphasis in: Organic Solar Cells

Journal Staff

Dr. Sadeer M. Majeed Department of Applied Sciences/ University of Technology – Iraq

PhD in Material Science: Biomaterial


Journal Staff

Prof. Dr. Sabah N. Mazhir Department of Physics/ College of Science for Women/ University of Baghdad – Iraq

PhD in Plasma and Ion Optics

Journal Staff

Shatha Assaad Salman University of Technology/Applied Sciences Applied Mathematics

Geometric Combintorics, Abstract Algebra, Graph theory, Differential Equations Ordinary and Fractional


Language Editor

Prof. Dr. Aseel Abdulkreem Hadi Division of Laser Science & Technology/ Department of Applied Sciences/ University of Technology – Iraq

PhD in Laser Applications in Nanotechnology/ School of Materials/ University of Manchester – UK


Language Editor

Dr. Zaynab Naif Rasheed Department of Applied Sciences/ University of Technology – Iraq

PhD in Material Science/ School of Engineer/ Cardiff University – UK
