The Journal of Applied Science and Nanotechnology (JASN) maintains a strict peer-review policy to ensure the highest quality of published papers and uphold the integrity of the scientific record. The process is designed to be fair, unbiased, and efficient, promoting rigorous scientific discourse.
Initial Screening: Every submitted manuscript first undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team. The aim of this stage is to check if the submission adheres to the Journal's submission guidelines, fits within the Journal's scope, and meets basic standards of scientific quality. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they fail to pass this initial screening.
Assignment to Editors: Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to one or more Editors, typically members of the Editorial Board, who have expertise in the relevant field.
Peer Review: The assigned Editor(s) will invite suitable experts in the field to provide a detailed and critical review of the manuscript. JASN employs a double-blind peer-review system where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous to each other to ensure objectivity and fairness.
Reviewer Reports: Reviewers are asked to assess the manuscript's novelty, methodological rigor, clarity of presentation, and relevance to the field, providing detailed comments to support their assessments. They are also asked to suggest any improvements.
Editorial Decision: After the reviews have been received, the Editor(s) make a decision based on the reviewers' recommendations. This decision may be: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject. All decisions are relayed to the authors along with the reviewer reports.
Revisions: If revisions are required, authors are asked to resubmit a revised version of their manuscript addressing each of the reviewers' and Editor's comments. This revised manuscript is then reviewed again, potentially going through further rounds of revision until the Editor(s) are satisfied.
Final Decision and Publication: Upon final acceptance, the manuscript is scheduled for publication. Before it is published, authors will receive a proof of their article to check for any errors.
The process is overseen by the Editor-in-Chief, who ensures that it is followed rigorously and that all parties involved are treated with fairness and respect. JASN remains committed to providing constructive and prompt feedback to authors, recognizing the effort invested in the production of each manuscript.