Document Type : Regular Article


1 Central Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health – Iraq

2 Biotechnology Division, Department of Applied Sciences, University of Technology – Iraq

3 Pharmacy College /Al-Nahrain University – Iraq


Covid-19 is a global challenge that drives health care to its limits. Biological parameters associated with increased risk of severe or fatal disease courses were identified, including conditions connected with a poor state of health, organ damage, and coagulation dysfunction. In a recent study, risk factors like age, sex, blood group (ABO), smoking, and several biomarkers like white blood cells, lymphocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin, D-dimer, and potassium level were considered. One hundred nasopharyngeal swabs and blood samples were collected from Iraqi patients and classified according to the severity of the disease into five groups: Asymptomatic, Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Deceased, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The current study was based on the risk factors and their effect on disease severity (age, sex, blood type, and smoking). As a result, there was a substantial positive linear link (R2=0.91) between getting older and increasing disease severity. Study results were showed a little statistically significant difference in the number of males and females infected with SARS-CoV-2. Interestingly, males were shown to be more susceptible to infection than females. Also, because type (O) blood is more extensively distributed in the Middle East population than the other blood types, those with type (O) blood are more susceptible to infection. Because smokers and non-smokers were distributed at random across different disease severity levels, there was no statistically significant link between smoking status and COVID-19 severity. All parameters (plasma protein and liver enzymes) showed statistically significant differences, especially between the deceased groups except K level, which did not differ significantly in all groups. This study aimed to investigate some biological markers during infection to see if there was a link between these measurements and risk factors, as well as the severity and progression of the disease.


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